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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-11-24 | 點閱數: 326


11/8 和 Fulbright 夥伴一同到訪 #大崙國小 進行外師教學訪視

充滿活力與創意的一二年級小朋友在 #Joshua#Sara 老師豐富肢體律動帶領下,生動詮釋 The Rainbow Fish 繪本。小朋友合聲歡樂共唱字母歌曲,恣意彩繪 rainbow fish ,發揮無限色彩創意組合。低年級小朋友在師生趣味互動下,教師設計各項感統活動,營造快樂上課氣氛,養成小朋友注意力。精彩趣味學習在大崙國小每天課程進行中。




We visited Da Lun Elementary School with Fulbright partners on Nov. 8. We observed Teacher Joshua’s G1 & G2 class. The teachers created a fun learning classroom for all the students, interestingly illustrating the picture book, “ The Rainbow Fish ”, singing wonderful songs with kids and guiding students to draw their fantastic rainbow fish. Teacher Joshua and Sara designed various sensory integration activities for the language classes, which bring happy learning to student’s everyday school life. We really appreciate the teachers’ hard work. See you next time. ~