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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-10-31 | 點閱數: 412

今日 10/31 (一)來到了過溝國中,剛進到校長室坐下不久,學生就進來對校長說: Trick-or-treat

一問之下才知道是外師 #Arman #Luczkow 所發想的活動,恰逢今日也是萬聖節,感受到了過萬聖節的氣氛。

而在教學上, Arman 老師與協同中師 #Ivy 選擇了介紹萬聖節的歷史,以往我們只知道萬聖節,但卻不知道它的由來


Ivy 老師的居中引導教學,讓整個教學過程都非常順利

而最後 Arman 老師也是利用影片結合,來讓學生們加深印象,也令整個課程更顯得活潑。

不管是以往的 Jake 抑或是現在的 Arman ,兩位老師都為過溝國中帶來了新風氣,注入了英文的新時代。


Today is October 31 (Mon.), we came to Guogou junior high school.

When we entered the principal's office and sat down, the students came in and said to the principal, "Trick or treat."

After asking, we knew that it was the activity that foreign teacher #Arman #Luczkow had designed. Today is also Halloween .

In teaching part, Arman co-teacher # Ivy chose to introduce the history of Halloween. In the past,

we only knew about Halloween, but we didn't know its history. Today is the first time that I know the history of Halloweeen.

Ivy always guide the students step by step, which makes the whole teaching process very smooth.

Finally, Arman used three Yourube videos to impress students what they learned today and made the whole course more lively.

Whether it is Jake in the past or Arman now,

both teachers have brought a new atmosphere to Guogou and comes a new era of English.