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公告 英雙中心 - 站務訊息 | 2022-05-11 | 點閱數: 505



1. 華語線上課程-零起點團體班,課程時間客製化,每週兩次,每次兩小時,共 10 週,總計 40 小時

2. 暑期華語密集班: 7/11~8/11 五週,每星期一三五上課 13:00-16:00 ,共 45 小時

3. 茶鄉茶香華語夏令營: 7/11~7/30 三週,每天早上 9:00-12:00 ,文化課安排在星期一三五下午及星期六




Do you want to learn Chinese?

Chiayi University has offered 3 different Chinese courses!!

1. Online courses ~~ twice per week, 2 hours per meeting, for 10 weeks, 40 hours in total.

2. Intense summer Chinese course~~ a 5-week course, total 45 hours, you can use the language to communicate for work, travel, and more!

3. Summer camp~~ last for 3 weeks, from July 11 to July 30, 2022, you will be doing outdoor cultural classes, and the instructor will take you to walk around Chiayi City and learn its history and culture.

Check the attached files below to learn more about the courses!

If you have further questions, feel free to send a mail to professor Pan mail"elsapan@mail.ncyu.edu.tw"