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好消息 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-02-13 | 點閱數: 241

112.02.09 (四)是我們 Day 3 的冬令營~~也是最後一天

上午由外師 #Josh 主講~~教我們一些台灣及美國的特有種動物,有些真的是連學生們都沒看過呢~~我們也受益良多,學生們各自畫一個台灣及美國的動物,同學們也很厲害,大家的畫工都非常好。


結業式中,中埔國中 #鄭志成校長 給予學生勉勵


離別時刻,大家依依不捨, Willy 同學告訴我們,從明天開始我們又即將回歸陌生人了,我們告訴他不會,有空我們會再見面的,學海無涯,各位同學加油珍重。


Feb. 9, 2023 ( Thur.) Today is the last day of our English Winter Camp. #Josh taught us many species of different animals from Taiwan and North America. Actually, we haven’t known all of them before. It really helped us to learn more animals in this world. After that, we let the students draw one animal from Taiwan and the other from America. They are all good at drawing. We saw lots of fantastic works.

Students made a video for their groups in the afternoon. They told us what they have learned in these three days and their feelings. Thank Principal James Cheng of Chung Pu JH for helping us a lot in this English camp. It was time to leave. Everyone reluctantly said goodbye to each other. Farewell, my friends.