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好消息 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-02-06 | 點閱數: 281

眾所期待的 2023 #嘉義縣教育特色博覽會 在 2/5 盛大展開啦~

本次博覽會 嘉義縣英語暨雙語教學資源中心 Chiayi County English & Bilingual Teaching Resource Center嘉義縣文光國際英語村 Chiayi Wenguang English Village嘉義縣國際教育資源中心 Chia-Yi County International Education Resource Center 一同在「大教室 G-英語題燈籠 雙語鬧元宵」舉辦了元宵英語互動課程

由英語村的三位外師 #Stuart #Chris#Tiffany 領銜進行元宵節相關英文單字介紹



翁章梁 Weng Chang-Liang也蒞臨與外師一同合影,看到結束後大家都帶著滿意的神情我們都非常開心



The education exhibition was held in 5th February. We had interesting courses with Wenguang International English Village. Stuart, Tiffany and Chris taught us some words about Lantern Festival and then the participants can make their own rabbit sky lanterns. We could see that the kids were all satisfied with their artwork and happy to join the courses today! Thanks to all the participants!! See you next year!