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好消息 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-02-04 | 點閱數: 230

今日 2/4 (六)嘉義縣政府舉辦了教育博覽會-大師講堂,

中心邀請外師 #Nerline 及 協同中師 #Nuwer 來為我們呈現 1 嘉 1>2 嘉有外師課程。

課堂裡敘述了如何協同教學的各種方法,例如: 替代性教學、平行式教學、分站教學…等。


。非常感謝今天所有參與的人,也再次謝謝我們的老師 Nerline 及 Nuwer 。


Today is Feb. 4th(Sat.). Chiayi County host a Educational Exhibition-Master lecture.

Our center invited FET #Nerline and her co-teacher #Nuwer to present how to co-teach.

Such as, alternative teaching, parallel teaching and station teaching …etc.

Let us know what is what is co-teaching and how is it work.

Many thanks for everyone who attended today. And thank Nerline and Nuwer again for the perfect lecture.