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好消息 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-01-18 | 點閱數: 238

今天 2023/1/18(三)時光走廊~雙語微旅行發車囉!
參與的學校有過溝國小、更寮國小、 網寮國小及 布新國小。
首站是來到#英雙中心 參觀 #簡吉紀念展 ,並透過#許順中 主任的講解讓小朋友更加認識簡吉等人所處的時空背景以及學到許多新單字。



Today is Jan. 18th (Wed.), the bilingual micro trip has been departed.
The participants were Guogou PS, Genliao PS, Wangliao PS and Buxin PS. Students visited Jian-Ji's exhibition.
They learned the history of Jian-Ji and new vocabularies in this exhibition .

After we arrived at Suan-Tou Sugar Factory, students moved their body and enjoyed the field game.
They were very excited to take the sugar train then completed the worksheet at the HSR station.
Today’s trip is very well, see you next time ~