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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-01-18 | 點閱數: 340


1/17 我們與國立嘉義大學 #陳美瑩教授 一起來到了 #溪口國小 進行外師輔導訪視

外師 #Kareen 抵達台灣還不到一個月,雖然對於學校還有不太熟悉的地方

但對於教學積極又熱忱,大家也熱心的協助 Kareen 融入校園

今天 Kareen 今天的課堂主題是 farm animals 


再用每個動物的叫聲及圖片帶領孩子們練習 this/that is 的句型及各種動物的英文整堂課 Kareen 都非常的有活力




最後感謝 #陳媺慈校長#吳國裕主任#黃姵嘉老師 的熱情招待


Today we visited SiKou Elementary School to observe Kareen’s class. The topic of today’s lesson is farm animals. Kareen sang and danced a song called Old Macdonald had a farm to introduce the topic. She then played the sound and showed pictures of each animal to teach the pronunciations and sentence patterns. Although it was the first time that Kareen met this class. She was very energetic and supportive the whole time. It was really an amazing class. We appreciate the teachers’ hard work! See you next time on Thursday!