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好消息 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-01-13 | 點閱數: 294


1/12(四)嘉義縣舉辦了外師賀歲拜年活動,讓本縣外籍英語教師齊聚一堂互相交流,本縣大家長 #翁章梁縣長 親自蒞臨勉勵這群來自海外的朋友~

活動並請來書法才子 #董世歆老師 教導大家書寫春聯,濃濃的年味及年節的歡樂氣氛讓大家笑聲不斷,也紛紛表示這是一次特別又有趣的體驗。

教育處 #李美華處長 與外師相見歡, 翁章梁 Weng Chang-Liang縣長親自與外師們一起揮毫寫春聯、送上新年祝福及兔子小紅包,也與大家一同拍攝了新春祝福影片。~~先賣個關子~過年期間會推出喔~~~拭目以待~

期望新的一年嘉義縣 旺兔順利。

On Jan. 12, we had a Lunar New Year’s Greeting at the Chiayi County Government. We gathered Foreign English teachers from different programs and invited the calligrapher Mr. Dong to teach us how to write down spring couplets. Magistrate Weng Chiang-Liang and the director of the Education Department, Lee Mei-Hua both came to greet the foreign teachers and filmed a greeting video together. It was really a fun and special experience to all of us. Thank you all for coming today! Wish you all a Happy Lunar New Year of the Rabbit!