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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-01-13 | 點閱數: 234


2022.12.27(),我們英雙中心的夥伴來到了新港鄉 #古民國小拜訪ELTA助理 #Aji



接著Aji用簡單的萬聖節歌曲加深印象 並帶著小朋友玩小活動 從中更認識這些單字的拼音及發音

整堂課下來孩子們表現活潑、也很開心 真的是一堂非常精彩的課程

#陳俊揚主任 在課後討論時也提到 希望可以讓Aji參與學校活動 更融入校園 加深彼此印象 真的是非常期待呢





We visited GuMin Elementary School to observe Aji’s class in Dec 27th. The topic of today’s lesson is about Halloween. After co-teacher reviewed the Halloween vocabulary, then Aji did activities with children, everyone were energetic and happy. It was really a wonderful class! Hope that Aji can participate in school activities, integrate into the campus more, and deepen the impression of each other. See you next time~