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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-01-11 | 點閱數: 259


2022.12.26(),我們英雙中心的夥伴來到了竹崎鄉 #圓崇國小 拜訪ELTA助理 #Amina


下半節課,Amina與協同中師 #張育嘉老師 一起帶著小朋友們進行校本課程──農情覓驛。小朋友透過視覺、觸覺、嗅覺去感受橘子並把感受用墨水揮灑在紙上,看著小朋友嚴肅的觀察橘子、老師從旁指導的模樣,真的是忍不住稱讚學校的用心!

#陳玥臻校長 #林家安主任 在課後討論時也提到,希望可以讓學生與Amina有更多的文化交流、更融入校園、融入學生,真是讓人期待呢!






We visited YuánChóng Elementary School to observe Ekaterina’s class in Dec 26th. The topic of lesson was about family and oranges.

Amina introduced how to address their family members in English. After that, students draw oranges on paper. The students were all concentrated during the class and and shared their family members with the teacher. After class, the principal and director hopes to have more exchanges in the future! We are looking forward to that day, thank you and see you next time!