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好消息 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2023-01-04 | 點閱數: 381

2023/01/04(三)本中心第三梯次雙語微旅行,參與的學校有 #古民國小#菁埔國小#義仁國小及 #桃源國小

同學們都很開心地能來到 #英雙中心 參觀 #簡吉紀念展,透過 #許順中 主任的講解瞭解過去簡吉等人為蔗農爭取權益,也在參觀展覽時認真閱讀每張展品介紹。

之後到蒜頭糖廠,小朋友們認真的聽外師 #Jason 講解大地遊戲──木頭人(Green light; red light)的規則,並全力參與遊戲。











Today is Jan. 4th (Wed.), the third batch of our bilingual micro trip. The participants were GuMin PS, JinPu PS, YiRen PS and TaoYuan PS.

Students were all excited to visit Jian-Ji's exhibition. They learned a lot through the explanation, and carefully read the introduction of the exhibit.

After we arrived at Suan-Tou Sugar Factory, students enjoyed the field game with Jason, and have fun on the sugar train. Then, we learned English instructions at the HSR station.

It's really a happy trip. See you next time~bye
