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研習活動 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-12-29 | 點閱數: 240

今日 12/29(三)學術交流基金會在柳林國小舉辦了成果分享工作坊,全部的 ETA 及 ETF 齊聚一堂,


例如: 食物、巷弄、四季、節慶...等,很多新奇的事物對於外師們都是新的體驗。

下半場我們也討論了教學資源的分享,去討論如何提高學生的參與度,如何使用線上 APP 資源,




Today is Dec.29th (Wed.). Fullbright held a workshop in LiouLin PS yesterday.

All of our ETA and ETF gathered to share their experiences.

They shared lots of things, such as food, lane, seasons, festivals...etc.

We also discussed the teaching resources for students. To know how to use the online resources

, and how to teach beyound the textbook. We saw all these teacher's effort in today's workshop.

Thank all teachers' hard-working in this year.