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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-12-20 | 點閱數: 324

《 111.12.20 外師訪視—安東國小 Neff 》

今日 111.12.20(二),我們與計畫主持人 國立成功大學文學院院長 #高實玫教授 來到了 安東國小

今日的外師 #Neff 及中師 #高台孆老師 ,Neff 老師在課堂開始就帶著小朋友唱聖誕歌,一起互動,為接下來的課程打開了序幕。

接下來就是到學習單的環節,五分鐘的倆倆對話練習,同學們在台上以 RT 方式呈現,真的是可圈可點。


Neff 的幽默,常逗得全班同學呵呵大笑。今天,有學生說要去 McDonald's 買 stinky tofu 給 Neff 老師吃、

以及 Neff 扮 Santa Claus 褲子掉了......逗得學生及訪視人員笑聲不斷。

而教材部分,也是 Neff 老師自編可以融入進我們生活的教材,是可以真正使用再生活上的。

安東國小今天真的令人很驚嘆,感謝 #吳宗成校長#李琇瑜主任 的盛情招待及對英語教育的投入,



Today is Dec. 20th(Tue.). We visited AnDong Elementary School with Professor Kao ShinMei.

Today's foreign teacher is #Neff and our co-teacher #Tracy. At the beginning of the class, Neff led the students to sing a song. Next was the pairwork time. After five minutes of dialogue and practice, the students' performance on the stage was really remarkable. The students could talk freely when facing everyone, and didn't feel shy or stage fright. It can be inferred that teachers really spend a lot of time integrating with students.

Teacher Neff has only three requirements for their performance: 1. Volume 2. Pronunciation 3. Affect. Teacher Neff thought if we want to improve students' oral expression, we could practice through 1. Singing 2. Dialogue. The teaching materials, which can be incorporated into our lives as well as compiled by teacher Neff, can really be used in our lives.

AnDong Elementary School is so amazing. We found that a foreign teacher could really integrate into school, students and life in this way. We are looking forward to the opportunity next time.