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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-12-19 | 點閱數: 300


今天 111.12.16(五)我們與 計畫主持人 #高實玫教授 來到了 #中興國小 進行外師訪視,


讓我們知道外師 #James 每個禮拜上山教學實屬不易。


搭配著中師 #Bruce 老師,可說是照顧周全,面面俱到。

此次上課的內容為介係詞 in, on, under, 還有一些文具用品的說法,


James 也利用一些實作的方法來訓練聽力,使用音節來辨別到底是使用何種介係詞,

最後才是到了 Kahoot 環節,多媒體的加入,讓整堂課都充滿了歡笑,也在這歡笑中結尾。

今日的課程真的很精采,也很謝謝 James 自願到偏遠學校服務,能真正的彌平偏鄉差距。期待下一次再到中興國小。


Today is Dec.16th (Fri.), Professor Kao Shin-Mei and our members of EBTRC came to Chung-Shing Elementary School for a foreign teacher observe.

Chung-Shing Elementary School is located in Zhuqi Township, but it is close to Fenqihu, and the journey is far away from our school.

Let us know that it is not easy for foreign teacher #James to teach in the mountains every week.

Chung-Shing elementary School is a rural elememtary school. There are only four students in this class, and today's co-teacher is 3bruce.

The content of this class is prepositions in, on, under, and some vocabulary, so that students can understand how to use prepositions to describe the location of objects.

James also used some practical methods to train their listening.

He taught them to use syllables to identify which prepositions were used.

Finally, it was the Kahoot time. He combined pads to his lesson.

Today's course is really wonderful, and I also thank James for volunteering to serve in remote schools, which can truly bridge the gap between rural areas. I look forward to coming to the Chung-Shing elementary School next time.