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好消息 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-11-30 | 點閱數: 276

嘉義縣 111 學年度~時光走廊(Time Corridor)~雙語微旅行~今天首班列車出發囉~~~

參與的學校是 #新港國小 六年級的學生。也謝謝今日 #吳順益董事賢伉儷#永慶高中郭春松校長 全程陪伴。


在蒜頭糖廠的大地遊戲,我們玩英文版的~機器人、木頭人(Green light; red light),

#外師 Jason 帶領,小朋友全力衝刺,團隊合作默契十足



最後當然要享受~~~蒜頭糖廠有名的 #枝仔冰~~看著小朋友們臉上的笑容,是我們最大的欣慰






Today is the first Time Corridor Bilingual Micro-trip. The participating school is Hsin Gang Elementary School.

Thank Mr. Wu Shunyi and his wife, (the director of CGCH Foundation for Education),

and Dr. Guo, the principal of Yung Ching Senior High School for accompanying us.

Today, the children learned a lot of bilingual knowledge.

They grasped a better understanding of the local education in Chiayi County, and knew who Jian Ji was. Finally,

the children took the sugar train to the high-speed railway station to enjoy the slowest to fastest connection.

We really enjoy the scenery, and know about the plants and understand the history of sugar industry along the way.

It is our greatest relief to see the smiles on the children's faces.

Thank all the staff and members of our center today. Let's look forward to the next trip!