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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-11-24 | 點閱數: 423


11/15 和 Fulbright 夥伴一同到訪 #東石國中 進行外師教學訪視

#Elizabeth 透過有趣繪本 All Year Round 帶大家認識形狀、月份、季節等相關節慶主題字彙,最後全班參與刺激緊張的 Rocket Launcher 字彙猜謎遊戲,學生與老師各自出題,讓全班同學進行搶答,也同時對主題字彙更加精熟。

Picture Book 教學優點在 Elizabeth 課堂中完美呈現,課程主題連結、建立英語語法技巧、有趣又吸睛的圖文主題豐富每一堂全英語學習。





We visited Tung-Shih Junior High School with Fulbright partners on Nov. 15. Teacher Elizabeth introduced an interesting picture book, All Year Round, in class. Students enjoy reading all together to learn theme words, such as shapes, months and seasons. The teacher and the students played an exciting Rocket Launcher word puzzle game at the end of the class. All students had to make the words spelt correct before the rocket ship launched. What an interesting and exciting class! We really appreciate the team for their co-work.

See you next time.