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外師專區 英雙中心 - 英語暨雙語教學資源中心 | 2022-11-24 | 點閱數: 241


11/9 和 Fulbright 夥伴一同到訪 #嘉新國中 進行外師教學訪視

#Kevin 老師 巧妙設計課程引導學生思考模範生選舉,並將公民參選權與投票權融入模範生選舉中,將時下熱門議題融入英語課堂,讓學生在生活真實情境中學以致用。 Kevin 不僅讓學生活用實用主題字彙,引導學生設計專屬競選口號,鍛鍊學生用字精煉,更蘊涵行動力、流暢感,豐富學生語言學習。





We observed Teacher Kevin’s class in Chiaxin Junior High School on Nov. 9. Teacher Kevin designed activities to guide students to think about model student elections, and integrated the right to participate in elections and votes into class activities, allowing students to apply what they have learned in authentic real life situations. Students worked in groups to draw their election posters and campaign slogan. Vote today for a better tomorrow. The students are learning hard today for a wonderful future. Thanks for having us. See you next time.