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英雙中心 - 站務訊息 | 2022-09-23 | 點閱數: 264


9/21(三) 本中心 #許順中主任 偕同東榮國中 ETF 外籍教師 #Jason 與國立嘉義大學 #陳美瑩副教授 合作錄製國小生活科雙語詞彙




September 21 (Wed.) #DirectorXu of our center and ETF #Jason of Dongrong Junior High cooperated with #Professor #ChenMeiying of National Chiayi University to record bilingual vocabulary of life curriculum for primary schools.

Our center is grateful for this opportunity to contribute to the bilingual education of the primary school students. We look forward to sharing more knowledge with them in the future.