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英雙中心 - 站務訊息 | 2022-07-13 | 點閱數: 398

《嘉義縣 111 年度國小全英語夏令營~Day2 》

今天是我們夏令營的第二天, Fabian 老師今日介紹了,故宮南院、三隻小豬觀光農場、高跟鞋教堂,許多學生都去過這些景點,但是卻不知道它的英文是什麼,或怎麼念。


而 Yuki 老師今天教了我們鄒族的文化,還介紹了其他國家的原住民,也讓小朋友們知道了竟然阿里山有一個地方叫做達娜伊谷可以去探索。

Yuki 老師還帶了我們一起跳了原住民舞蹈和竹竿舞,最後還做了熱縮片小吊飾。真是充實的一天,小朋友們也都很喜歡自己的作品


Today is the second day of our summer camp. Teacher Fabian introduced Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum, the three little pigs and high-heel wedding church today.

Many students have been to these spots, but they don't know what its English is or how to read it.

But after today, I believe you will know the English these spots when you introduce Chiayi to foreign friends in the future 

Teacher Yuki introduced indigenous people from Chiayi County and other countries.

After that, she told us that there is a place called danayi Valley in Ali Mountain that can be explored.

Teacher Yuki also took us do the Tsou dance and shrinky dinks. It’s fun.

Students were so happy and anticipated tomorrow’s coming.