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研習活動 英雙中心 - 站務訊息 | 2022-05-05 | 點閱數: 345

《 Cool English 口說教學策略~精采的線上研習》

今日 5/4(三),我們邀請到了 #高雄巿杉林國中 #鐘方伶 老師來為我們分享這次的課程。

鐘老師曾經在 109 年度於 Cool English 網站教案徵稿比賽榮獲佳作、指導學生參加諸多酷英比賽獲獎無數。

方伶老師針對 Cool English 網站,介紹了許多資源,例如: 語音辨識裡就有各種主題的口說應用軟體、我們還可以跟機器人對話、還有酷英新推出且大受好評的 Voki 。對於新學習到的資源,老師們都很驚喜,也期待之後能多運用在教學現場上。





Today is May 4 (Wed.). In response to the Covid-19, we changed our lesson to online course. We invited Ms. Fang-Ling Chung from ShanLin Junior High School to empower us.

Ms. Chung introduced many resources from Cool English website in today's lesson. For example, there is oral application software for various topics in speech recognition. We can also talk to robots, and Voki, which was highly praised today. The teachers were surprised by the newly learned resources and looking forward to using them in classes in the future.

Finally, thank you again for sharing knowledge. Everyone has benefited a lot. Welcome to Chiayi County to share more with us next time.