今天 111.05.03(二),中心、黃媛楟科長、文光國際英語村 在線上與計畫主持人 高實玫教授 進行英雙中心的第三次工作會議
因應疫情,大家也討論了關於 5/18(三) 國小英語聽說單字王的相關措施,感謝今日所有人的參與。
Today is May 3. Our center, cheif Huang, Wenguang English Village and principal investigator prof. Kao held the third meeting ... 觀看完整文章
《大學雙語教師專業發展中心- 臺灣雙語教學資源書》
It is a resouurce book for bilingual edcation in Taiwan. A glocalized design & practice.
Come on, all the answers are in it. please feel free to dowload it.
Please feel free to dowload it. You can learn lots of classroom English in it. Thank NTNU for providing this.